Saturday, April 02, 2005

The Membership Club

Once upon a time there was a wonderful club. It was called The Membership Club. The only purpose for its existence was to gain more members. Here is a sample of the Constitution.

1. Get more members, so as to get more members, so as to get more members, etc.
2. Establish new members in branch clubs which will be self-governing, self supporting and self-propagating.

1. Study books on “Club Growth.”
2. Mobilize every member for a continuous “Total Mobilization Membership Movement” (TMMM).

Club Motto: “Joined to Reproduce.”
Once in a while a crisis would arise. There would be a problem member in the club. One such member had the nerve to raise his hand in a meeting and ask:
“Why should I be a member of this club?”
The answer quickly came from the members in unison:
“You are “Joined to Reproduce’.”
“Yes, but why?” the rebel stammered.
“So that new members can be self-propagating,” sounded the chorus in an angry tone.
“Yes, but...why should we...?”
“Sit down.”
“Liberal,” shouted the angry mob.

Are we merely planting membership clubs?
After all, nothing is born merely to reproduce - except maybe weeds, and membership clubs.

We are born to sing praises to God, and then invite the whole world to join the choir. Numeric growth might be good, but ONLY if the growth is an outcome of a healthy missionary community of worshipping of pilgrims who are becoming like Christ. I suspect that external quantities are most often not a true reflection of inner qualities.


  1. Yes, I am a little concerned about numerical growth without the accompanying depth. My deep concerns these days relate to the rapid growth of churches in a consumeristic society which are really a collective of religious consumers rather than an ekklesia of disciples of Jesus Christ.

  2. Well said! A focus on gathering people for the sake of "success" is shallow and tragic. Inviting others to experience the joy of being loved by God and to join in worshiping Him is at the core of missions.
